
Food can transform your health - and not everyone needs the same diet.

Whether you're wanting to eat in a healthy and sustainable way or address a specific medical condition, Berman Nutrition Services can help you meet your needs - while still enjoying delicious food.

  • Renal Therapy

    Understanding, Preventing, and Managing Kidney Disease Including CKD Stages 1-5 (pre-dialysis), ESRD, & GOUT

    Did you know that only 10% of patients will receive nutrition therapy prior to starting dialysis? Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, October 2018.

    The foods you eat can be a part of your treatment for kidney disease.

    CKD Stages 1-5: There is a lot of diet information out there about what to eat when you have kidney disease. Are you worried about how much protein to eat? Worried about eating tomatoes or bananas because they have too much potassium? Let me help you understand your blood work and how different foods affect kidney function, bones, and the heart. Let's talk about slowing the progression of your kidney disease.

    GOUT: The swelling, the redness, and the pain that is caused by elevated uric acid levels in your blood. Feel like you can’t eat anything because it's high-purine? Need to understand what high-purine is? Let me help you identify the foods that are causing your GOUT symptoms, ending an active flare-up quicker, and preventing future flare-ups. Let's talk about improving your pain and your health.

    Kidney Recipients & Donors

    Adjusting After Giving or Receiving a Kidney

    Kidney Transplant: Adjusting after a kidney transplant can be overwhelming. There are appointments to manage, regular blood tests, new medications, and potential new side effects from those medications - including possible weight gain. With a new kidney, you may be able to finally enjoy the foods you had been avoiding for so long. Learn what foods will help protect your kidney and how to enjoy those formerly “forbidden foods” without overindulging. Let’s talk about how to best navigate your new diet.

    Kidney Donor: Donating a kidney is one of the greatest gifts someone could give another person. You can live very well with just one kidney for the rest of your life, but you will want to develop food habits that will protect your remaining kidney. Let me help you learn how to adjust your diet - including balancing protein and plenty of fruits and vegetables - that support your kidney while keeping you full and satisfied with your meals.

    Cardiac Health

    Preventing and Managing Heart Disease

    What is heart disease? This generalized term refers to several types of heart conditions that can lead to heart attack, heart failure, or an arrhythmia. Risk factors include high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol, and being overweight.

    Let’s talk about how making changes to a few food choices improve your heart health and could mean less daily medications over time. Maybe you're even ready to be plant-based, or just add in a few more veggies (it's ok either way - we'll start where you are ready!). Let’s talk about how to change your diet while keeping foods interesting and flavorful.

    Healthy Eating

    Sustainable Changes Where Every Food Fits

    Change is a hard, period. What if eating healthy looked more like adding in a few new foods to try rather than giving up your favorite things? Some people are able to stop or give up something cold turkey. Not you? Let's talk about what is important to you in your diet and habits. Not everyone needs the exact same diet. Let’s talk about how to eat healthier while still enjoying your food.

    Food Sensitivities

    Sensitivity Testing to Inform Your Best Diet

    Food sensitivities testing, including the Mediator Release Test (MRT), and a personalized LEAP diet plan can help decrease symptoms caused by diet-induced inflammation. This blood lab test includes 170 food sensitivity markers breaking them down into how sensitive you are to each food and how to balance your diet. We will then spend time together understanding your MRT results and implementing the best nutritional changes for your diet to help you reach your nutritional goals.

    Meal Planning

    Personalizing Your Meal Plan for Your Needs

    Let's work together through a meal planning app with 100% personalized meal plans to help achieve your nutritional goals and improve your relationship with food. Plans are 100% customized to you and your goals, preferences and your busy lifestyle. This app will help you with planning weekly meals, grocery shopping lists, easy recipes and food prep schedules. This meal planner is available to use on your phone and your computer making it easier than ever to log your food choices.

    Pain Management through CBD & Cannabis

    Chronic Pain Doesn’t Have to Control Your Life

    Chronic pain is physically and mentally draining. Did you know that adding CBD or Cannabis to your pain management can help improve your quality of life? Did you know there are multiple ways to consume CBD & Cannabis that don’t include smoking? Let’s talk about ways to ease your pain with a different approach.

    Cannabis can provide relief for many who might suffer from:

    • Tension headaches
    • Migraines
    • Arthritis
    • Fibromyalgia 
    • Nerve pain
    • Muscle pain & spasms
    • Pelvic pain for women
    • Endometriosis
    • Insomnia 
    • Anxiety
    • Lack of appetite 
    • Nausea

    Let's work together.

    Reach out to transform your health today.
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